Paint Touches on WMUR Sports, Nov. 4

On this week’s show, acting Athletic Director Mike Broeker came on to talk about Marquette’s situation within conference realignment. He also gave an update and timetable on the university’s search for a permanent athletic director. We really appreciate Mr. Broeker taking time out to come on with us.

Mike Broeker on Paint Touches with WMUR Sports by WMUR_Sports

After that, Michael Wottreng, Mark Strotman, and Mike Nelson discussed the comments, including a possible basketball only conference, possible new members of the Big East, and balance of power in college basketball.

Expansion Talk on Paint Touches with WMUR Sports by WMUR_Sports

Former Marquette TV producer Brad Galli, now of WXYZ in Detroit, gave us an update on what he’s up to and broke down some Marquette basketball. We also appreciate Brad taking the time to speak with us. He’s the best of the best in terms of Marquette student media.

Brad Galli on Paint Touches with WMUR Sports by WMUR_Sports

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One Comment on “Paint Touches on WMUR Sports, Nov. 4”

  1. MU Hoops
    November 4, 2011 at 4:14 pm #

    You guys don’t have a clue….please don’t talk like you’re experts on basketball and what makes a good conference and what doesn’t.

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