Top 5 assists from Tyler Kolek’s record setting night

DePaul is bad. Not even DePaul-level bad, worse even. Like worst high major team ever bad. Don’t take my word for it, here’s Ken Pom’s take.

I needed to put that right at the top before anyone chimes in with “but look at the opponent” response. I agree that playing the Washington Generals will devalue some of the gaudiness.

But then again, Marquette isn’t the only team to have played DePaul this season. Every Big East team has had its turn at the piñata. And more importantly, it’s not like the starters were out there all that long. Kolek in particular only played fewer minutes twice this season, and finished at 26.

So with all the caveats in place…

You knew that the plan was for Kolek to get everyone involved very early on. He had 4 assists before the first TV timeout and had passed up some decent shots in the process. When he had 7 in the first 7 minutes, before his first rest, most started digging through the record books because it looked to be one of those nights.

And boy was it ever. Kolek finished with 18 assists (in 26 minutes) breaking Tony Miller’s 29-year-old record.

In case you missed any, here’s the full accounting of them from last night.

And while again, the opponent put up minimal resistance, there were some truly incredible passes in that mix, so I wanted to rank my favorites.

Honorable Mention

Doesn’t count as an assist but too good to not highlight.

5. Oso Oop

I’ve tracked the Kolek passes to Oso resulting in dunks all season, and they are up to 33 now, so this isn’t anything we haven’t seen almost every game. But it’s still amazing. Watch the way Kolek nonchalantly makes the pass before Oso is even in position, dropping an inch perfect pass over the defense in process.

4. Cross Court Whip

On first glance, this doesn’t look like much. But play it again. Kolek makes this skip pass not just at full speed but while accelerating. Oh yea, and mid jump with 1 hand, throwing a dime that hits Jop in the perfect shooting pocket.

3. Chase Oop

Bad defense? Yup.

But this isn’t a designed play like some of the ones we’ve seen before. I don’t think Chase even knows it’s an alley-oop until the ball is in the air. The way it gracefully glides over the defender into Chase’s perfectly times jump is just so pleasing on the eye.

2. Give and Go and Give

Kolek never lands. The catch and release is almost instantaneous. I could watch this all day.

1. Deep Route

These full court passes are a Kolek specialty at this point. Before you hit play though, look at where the thumbnail is frozen, at the point when Kolek begins his pass. This isn’t a case of DePaul being slow to get back (unlike later in the game). There is a sliver of a seam and Mitchell barely has a step on his defender.

And then notice where Kolek releases the pass (just outside the opposite 3-point arc) and where Stevie catches it (at the charge circle). That’s a 60-foot pass that lands in only a place Stevie can catch. Add in his one handed fluid catch and lay-in, the level of difficulty for these 2 points was insane.

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